Flagship 2 - Novel imaging and robotics solutions
Novel Imaging and robotics solutions are focused on technologies that can detect a much larger number of biomedical parameters addressing a wider spectrum of diseases. Our innovations facilitate better real-time diagnostics and novel capabilities for surgical and radiation therapy – spanning the entire translational pipeline, from new imaging devices and multiscale robots to novel information acquisition, reconstruction and visualization algorithms, to targeted biological and synthetic reporters to assess treatment-relevant tissue properties. Our work encompasses the development of cloud-based and decentralized imaging systems, enhancing accessibility and efficiency. Building on expertise in genetic, protein, cellular, and physical engineering, as well as data science, our reseachers are pioneering the development of novel biosensors, establishing multiplexed imaging approaches, and advancing telemedicine capabilities through remote diagnostics and interventions as well as AI-based data analysis and integration. The developed solutions will span the spatial dimensions from the microscopic to the macroscopic and ultimately lead to better health by addressing global health challenges such as cancer, cardiovascular, infectious, neurodegenerative, and metabolic diseases. Enhancing real-time monitoring for treatment adaptation and post-treatment follow-up is significant for future personalized patient care and will assist in democratizing healthcare by providing tools that can be extended to underserved segments of the global population, especially through telemedicine and remote or distributed diagnostic capabilities, making quality healthcare more accessible and equitable.