Biosynthetic nano-scaffolds to monitor logistics of genetically programmed cells
We have introduced a new series of genetically encoded barcodes that can be read directly by volume electron microscopy (EM) to combine the best possible anatomical resolution with molecular information about the different genetic states of cells. We have achieved this by expressing self-assembling nanocompartments that are visible as concentric barcodes in EM and fluorescence imaging, which can also be targeted to subcellular structures of interest and patterned into nanopatterns. Since we can also organize multi-enzymatic reactions in these nanoscaffolds, we can help to reorganize cellular logistics and metabolism under nanoscopic imaging control.
More details:
Genetically encoded barcodes for correlative volume electron microscopy,Sigmund, F., Berezin, O., Beliakova, S. et al. Genetically encoded barcodes for correlative volume electron microscopy. Nat Biotechnol 41, 1734–1745 (2023).
Augmenting electron microscopy with barcoded gene reporters, Nat Biotechnol 41, 1692–1693 (2023).
Gil Westmeyer
Helmholtz Munich