MCMV vectored vaccines
The lab of L. Cicin-Sain at HZI is developing a new vaccine vector platform based on the murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV), a herpesvirus that is replication-limited to murine host cells, but able to enter cells from other species. We have shown in proof of principle studies funded by the HGF-IVF that our vector provides protection against respiratory viruses in a non-murine species (hamster). A single immunization with our vector provided 100% reduction of SARS-CoV-2 replication in lungs at 10 months upon immunization, and showed no signs of waning of neutralizing antibody titers. Thus, it exceeded the longevity of available vaccines and required no booster shots.
Recently, we have developed a target product profile for an MCMV based vaccine against RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) and obtained Go-Bio funding from BMBF to perform PoC studies (Machbarkeitphase) in non-human primates to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of our vector against a clinical indication in a relevant model of infection. We are simultaneously developing processes for good manufacturing practice (GMP) grade production of our virus, where a flex fund application is pending with DZIF. DZIF also mediates our contacts with regulators at Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI) to define the modalities for preclinical testing that will open the path towards first in human trials.
A priority patent for the technology has been in filed in 2022, and national patent applications for EU, USA, China and India are filed in July 2024. An FTO analyses revealed no concerns about the vector platform technology. We envisage a B2B strategy, where vaccine formulations against defined pathogens will be developed by a spinoff company and licensed to established vaccine manufacturers for final clinical development. The vaccine platform technology, however, will be retained within the company and recycled for further vaccine approaches. The RSV vaccine is the first clinical indication, but others are planned to follow, once data in the relevant NHP model will be generated.
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Citation: A murine cytomegalovirus vaccine vector for administration in a non-mouse subject. Patent WO2023144202A1 (https://patents.google.com/patent/WO2023144202A1/en)